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Year 5

2024 - 2025

St. Nicholas of Myra
St. Alphonsa
Teacher: Miss Taylor Teacher: Ms Harrison
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Bloch Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Dyer, Mrs Day,


PE Days

Tuesday & Wednesday


Class Noticeboard

Ufton Court Trip
A reminder that we will be leaving for Ufton Court at 8.30am. Please can the children gather in the playground with their bags at 8.15? Staff will then be on hand to monitor them.

If at all possible, please make sure that all items of clothing are named. This will alleviate the lost property problem. Also, a reminder not to send their best clothes. I have attached a kit list for you to check that they have everything they need. Another reminder, no food or electronic devices please. Please ensure that your child can carry their own suitcase.

Please make sure that your child has a plastic named disposable water bottle with them on the day.

Medication - If your child has asthma, an allergy or other minor medical condition that requires medicating, ensure that their medication is given to Mrs Keable, Mrs Day or Mrs Cetti in a clear plastic bag on the day of departure with your child’s name on with clear instructions on how to administer it (dosage, time, instructions beyond what we’d know).

Also bring in any inhalers, epi-pens etc. These must be named.

We are all looking forward to taking your children on this amazing trip and we are certain they will create lifelong memories. As discussed at the meeting you attended, we have the same high expectations and procedures for behaviour on our residential trip, that we have in school. Please take the time to chat about this with your child.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to email me, if you have any questions.

My email address is

Warmest wishes

Ms Dimech