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Year 4

2023 - 2024

Rowling Class
Tolkien Class
Teacher: Mrs Taneja Teacher: Ms Dimech
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Fisher Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Davies, Miss Limmer



Rainforest Retreat
During the Spring Term 2023, Year 4 took part in a programme called Rainforest Retreat, run by the charity Delight. We started off with a visit to the Watts Gallery - an artist's village near Compton. We learnt about George and Mary Watts and their passion for art.

We then got to work with professional artists to explore a range of art materials and developed our observational and self-expression skills. We used these skills to create leaves, birds and bugs to create an amazing display outside the year 4 classrooms. What a wonderful experience this has been for everyone! 

Please click here to see more pictures.

Class Noticeboard

Celebration Evening
Year 4 have been invited to perform at the Celebration Evening at school on Thursday 11th July. This is not compulsory, however it is a great opportunity for parents to hear a snapshot of what the children have learnt throughout the year.

4 Tolkien will perform at 3.30pm and 4 Rowling at 3.50pm. If your child would like to join us, please could they come to the Music Room. Please could you email if your child is likely to take part, so we have an idea of numbers.
Many thanks,
Mrs Houslander and Mrs Bruce