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School News

May 2024

  • 24/05/24

    Year 4 Chertsey Museum Trip

    On Thursday 23rd May, 4T visited Chertsey Museum as part of our learning in History. This term the children have been learning about the Victorians and the British Empire.  The children had an amazing day inspecting Victorian artefacts; trailing around the museum, dressing up, sketching...
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  • 21/05/24

    May Procession - The Month of Mary ​​​​​​​

    To highlight to the whole school community the significance of May being the month dedicated to Our Lady, the whole school took part in a procession for Mary on Tuesday, 21st May. The school gathered in the hall to celebrate a liturgy with songs and prayers for Mary.  This was a beautiful wa...
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  • 14/05/24

    Victorian Day - Year 4

    On Tuesday 14th of May, year 4 were transported back in time to the Victorian Era. They spent the day in a Victorian classroom, learning all about school and taking part in lessons.
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  • 07/05/24

    Dogs Trust Assembly

    On Tuesday, 7th May, we had a very informative assembly provided by Dogs Trust about dog safety.  With the help of a few volunteers and a toy dog named Bessie, they demonstrated the importance of understanding canine body language and respecting a dog’s space when outside.
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  • 07/05/24

    Bocketts Farm Trip - EYFS

    On Tuesday, 7th May, as part of our 'Farms and Growing' topic, Reception enjoyed a wonderful school trip to Bocketts Farm.
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  • 02/05/24

    Our New School Hall

    Our fabulous new hall is finally finished, and it has been worth the wait.  It is lovely to be able to have all the children together during our special assemblies. 
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May 2024