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 The PFA (Parents & Friends Association)

The PFA plays a major role in the life of the school. The Association exists to further the aims of the school by providing a link between home and school and by raising funds to buy much needed resources for the benefit of the children. Books, a new stage, new sound system, play equipment, the trim trail and the purchase of many of our laptops were funded by the PFA.

All parents are automatically members of the PFA – at no cost! The PFA usually meets every half-term and everyone is always welcome.

The aim of the PFA is to bring together teachers, pupils, parents and members of our wider community who are interested in supporting the school, providing an opportunity for everyone to work together, with a common purpose.

All parents can get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time available there is always something you can get involved with. Parents, teachers and others involved with the school are free to decide what they want to do and the framework within which they will work. In a world where everyone's time is precious getting enough help is always a challenge, but the results will undoubtedly make a huge difference to the pupils at our school.

Of course our aim is to raise money for the school. We try to put 'fun' into our fundraising, so whilst you are contributing to providing our children with vital supplies, such as laptops, books, music and play equipment, we hope that you and your family are enjoying your time at the events we organise.

Details of the activities can be found in our Newsletter and volunteers are always required. Another way you can be kept up to date is through our website (, the PFA’s Facebook group which you can join by searching St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School PFA or our Instagram account (stanneschertseypfa). Please be an active member of the PFA.

By becoming involved, your child will benefit – and you will feel more a part of the school community.

Stikins Labels
As this year comes to an end, the children have grown and need new uniform we would like to introduce a partnership with label makers Stikins.

These labels can be ordered with your child's name on. They can then be used to label clothes, water bottles, lunchboxes etc. Looking at the vast amount of lost properly collected this year with no names on we strongly suggest using something like this as they are easy to read and won't easily come off.

If you use this link Name Labels | Stick On School Name Labels | Stikins ® it should automatically include our school code, if it doesn't, we would be grateful if you could enter 18728 in the school code box, by doing this the school receive money from Stikins at no cost to you, or you can click on the banner below. 


Order Clothes Labels