Buy A Brick Fundraiser
Our first round of bricks have been installed in the new hall, and they look fabulous. It is not too late if you would like to be part of our St Anne's Family wall. We will continue to add ordered bricks. The next bricks we will endeavour to order and install before the current year 6 leavers events. Please submit your orders by Sunday 2nd June 2024 to allow us to order and install in time.
For just £50 minimum donation, you can purchase a personalised engraved brick slip which will be displayed in the new school hall along with the bricks already in place. Each brick slip can contain 2 lines of text with a maximum of 16 characters (including spaces and punctuation), per line using Helvitca font and will be produced on grey clay with gold engraving. Please see the sample available in school or take a look at our existing wall of bricks.
We would also welcome companies to sponsor a special double brick for £150 minimum donation. This will be produced just as the individual brick slip, only it will allow for 4 lines of text again with a maximum of 16 characters (including spaces and punctuation), per line using Helvitca font and will be produced on grey clay with gold engraving.
Please note - The deadline for ordering your brick to be on display before the end of this school year is Sunday 2nd June.
The display will form a lasting testament to those who attended and supported St. Anne’s School over the years and helped us to add the finishing touches to our wonderful new space. Funds will be used to maintain the new hall and continue to add to this and support other facilities within the school that children will benefit from on a daily basis.
If you would like to be part of the brickwork and support our fundraising initiative, please complete this form and make payment via SCOPAY or bank transfer using the below bank details with your name and BRICK as the reference:
Lloyds Bank
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Sort Code: 30-99-80
Account Number: 78008868
Thank you so much for your support!